lveo and peace in 2010!
we are trying to grow, a very wandering brave family
from the good folks at Thousand Kites,
via Paula D:
Dear Friends,
We are asking you to take a minute to call in a message to the 2.3 million people who are behind bars this holiday season.
It's easy. Call our toll-free line at 877-518-0606 anytime from now until December 7th.
An answering machine will record your message. Your call will broadcast on over 200 radio stations across the country. Don't worry if you mess up because we will edit the calls.
This is the 10th year for "Calls From Home," a program that connects family members to their loved ones in prison and educates the public about the criminal justice system. Hundreds of family members, former prisoners, staff, and citizens call in songs, poems, and messages of hope.
For more information, visit www.callsfromhome.org
BIRD film from Andrew Zuckerman Studio on Vimeo.
round the world! there is much in that sound to inspire proud feelings; but whereto does all that circumnavigation conduct? only through numberless perils to the very point whence we started, where those that we left behind secure were all the time before us.
when the light is right
during the late
gathering of grays
my several senses
causes my favorite
kind of breathing
town's taken something
of a liking to fall
leaf through latest
harvest fashion
everywhere light
diminishes more soonly
all the rooms
are heated
"This fit like clothes made out of wasps."- Modest Mouse
( an absurd answer to a four-year-old girl who sometimes greets me with that question )
what's happening's a galloping
among the tameless nows
somehows will house the possiblies
when definitelies browse
reality's the stuff we draw
from lazy grazing cows
and should be's just that naggerfly
an animal allows
but could be's been the evertease
when definitelies browse
what's happening's a galloping
among the tameless nows