Wednesday, October 8, 2008

we kept on keepin' on.

our road trip was very full and interesting and silent and loud and neccisary and silly and long and short and very much the "woahs" and "weeee's" of a family traveling together through open land, hot land, natural disaster land, generous land, selfish land and all of the other states. these are a few of our memories from houston, new orleans and of rose's house in chicago.

(our preparation for ike.
our hurricane foe.
he is coming.
and we are in houston.
and we are with the very kind smith family.
in their very kind home.)

(In new orleans.
we fell in love.
and the rain fell for us.

(and in chicago.
we borrowed a couch
from a rose.
chicago missed kirsten.
and so did we.)

(alas. more to come.
the photographs of
farm and horse.
and of bettys.)

(ps. photographs by steve lamme.)

1 comment:

rachel said...

that steve lamme is one talented fella !