I want to dress in colors and textures and patterns and look like the sort of girl I think I am sometimes. I want to walk into unique coffee shops and belong there. I want to blend into my environment as if I were part of what makes it so rather than as a visitor from outside. I want to have freckles in the right places and have a sing-song voice that draws people in comfort and curiosity. I want to sit in big-armed chairs with boots and a novel. I want my camera to be an expected presence that goes where I go. I want to be able to sing to myself in a public place and not worry. I want to be simply full of breath and music notes. I want to wear scarves and be romantic and subtly beautiful in a hilter-skilter way. I want to remember how to pretend and yet be me at the same time. I want to be okay with being accompanied and with being alone and be comfortable visiting kindreds without the necessity of words. I want to be content to absorb things without the need to grapple at details. I want to eat things that are beautiful and fully taste them with my soul and not just my tongue. I want to wear a dress everyday and walk barefoot and have hair that blows in the breeze at the right moments. I want to explore and travel with a pen and notebook and camera and me. I want to wear pigtails to work and that be okay. I want to feel apart from the world for brief intermissions and fully friends with it at others. I want to go on holiday and be truly on holiday.
{polaroid: shards by kimberly k. taylor}
Miss Kimberly,
I think those are the things that I want too. And maybe by knowing what you want it's easier to recognize those moments that you are in them... be brave. Keep searching and breathing.
you can!
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